Source code for

# Copyright 2021-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# MuyGPyS Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT


Hyperparameters specifications are expected to be provided in `Dict` form with
the keys `"val"` and `"bounds"`. `"bounds"` is either a 2-tuple indicating a
lower and upper optimization bound or the string `"fixed"`, which exempts the
hyperparameter from optimization (`"fixed"` is the default behavior if `bounds`
is unspecified). `"val"` is either a floating point value (within the range
between the upper and lower bounds if specified).

from import Sequence
from numbers import Number
from typing import Callable, cast, List, Tuple, Type, Union

import MuyGPyS._src.math.numpy as np
import MuyGPyS._src.math as mm
from MuyGPyS import config
from MuyGPyS._src.mpi_utils import _is_mpi_mode

[docs]class ScalarHyperparameter: """ A MuyGPs kernel or model Hyperparameter. Hyperparameters are defined by a value and optimization bounds. Values must be scalar numeric types, and bounds are either a len == 2 iterable container whose elements are numeric scalars in increasing order, or the string `fixed`. If `bounds == "fixed"` (the default behavior), the hyperparameter value will remain fixed during optimization. `val` must remain within the range of the upper and lower bounds, if not `fixed`. Args: val: A scalar within the range of the upper and lower bounds (if given). val can also be the strings `"sample"` or `"log_sample"`, which will result in randomly sampling a value within the range given by the bounds. bounds: Iterable container of len 2 containing lower and upper bounds (in that order), or the string `"fixed"`. Raises: ValueError: Any `bounds` string other than `"fixed"` will produce an error. ValueError: A non-iterable non-string type for `bounds` will produce an error. ValueError: A `bounds` iterable of len other than 2 will produce an error. ValueError: Iterable `bounds` values of non-numeric types will produce an error. ValueError: A lower bound that is not less than an upper bound will produce an error. ValueError: `val == "sample" or val == "log_sample"` will produce an error if `self._bounds == "fixed"`. ValueError: Any string other than `"sample"` or `"log_sample"` will produce an error. ValueError: A `val` outside of the range specified by `self._bounds` will produce an error. """ def __init__( self, val: Union[str, float], bounds: Union[str, Tuple[float, float]] = "fixed", ): """ Initialize a hyperparameter. """ self._set_bounds(bounds) self._set_val(val) def __str__(self, **kwargs): bstring = "fixed" if self._fixed is True else self._bounds return f"{type(self).__name__}({self._val}, {bstring})" def _set(self, rhs) -> None: """ Reset hyperparameter value and/or bounds using keyword arguments. Args: rhs: Another hyperparameter. Raises: ValueError: Any `bounds` string other than `"fixed"` will produce an error. ValueError: A non-numeric, non-numeric, or non-string type for `bounds` will produce an error. ValueError: A `bounds` iterable of len other than 2 will produce an error. ValueError: Iterable `bounds` values of non-numeric types will produce an error. ValueError: A lower bound that is not less than an upper bound will produce an error. ValueError: `val == "sample" or val == "log_sample"` will produce an error if `self._bounds == "fixed"`. ValueError: Any string other than `"sample"` or `"log_sample"` will produce an error. ValueError: A `val` outside of the range specified by `self._bounds` will produce an error. """ self._val = rhs._val self._bounds = rhs._bounds self._fixed = rhs._fixed def _sample_val(self, val: str) -> float: if self.fixed() is True: if isinstance(val, str): raise ValueError( f"Fixed bounds do not support string value ({val}) prompts." ) if val == "sample": newval = float( np.random.uniform(low=self._bounds[0], high=self._bounds[1]) ) elif val == "log_sample": newval = float( np.exp( np.random.uniform( low=np.log(self._bounds[0]), high=np.log(self._bounds[1]), ) ) ) else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported string hyperparameter value {val}.") if _is_mpi_mode() is True: newval = config.mpi_state.comm_world.bcast(newval, root=0) return newval def _set_val(self, val: Union[str, float]) -> None: """ Set hyperparameter value; sample if appropriate. Throws on out-of-range and other badness. Args: val: A valid scalar value or the strings `"sample"` or `"log_sample"`. Raises: ValueError: A non-scalar, non-numeric and non-string val will produce an error. ValueError: `val == "sample" or val == "log_sample"` will produce an error if `bounds == "fixed"`. ValueError: Any `val` string other than `"sample"` or `"log_sample"` will produce an error. ValueError: A `val` outside of the range specified by `bounds` will produce an error. """ if isinstance(val, str): val = self._sample_val(val) if isinstance(val, Sequence) or hasattr(val, "__len__"): raise ValueError( f"Nonscalar hyperparameter value {val} is not allowed." ) if not isinstance(val, mm.ndarray): val = float(val) if self.fixed() is False: any_below = np.any( np.choose( cast(float, val) < cast(float, self._bounds[0]) - 1e-5, [False, True], ) ) any_above = np.any( np.choose( cast(float, val) > cast(float, self._bounds[1]) + 1e-5, [False, True], ) ) if any_below: raise ValueError( f"Hyperparameter value {val} is lesser than the " f"optimization lower bound {self._bounds[0]}" ) if any_above: raise ValueError( f"Hyperparameter value {val} is greater than the " f"optimization upper bound {self._bounds[1]}" ) self._val = mm.parameter(val) def _set_bounds( self, bounds: Union[str, Tuple[float, float]], ) -> None: """ Set hyperparameter bounds. Args: bounds: Iterable container of len 2 containing lower and upper bounds (in that order), or the string `"fixed"`. Raises: ValueError: Any string other than `"fixed"` will produce an error. ValueError: A non-iterable type will produce an error. ValueError: An iterable of len other than 2 will produce an error. ValueError: Iterable values of non-numeric types will produce an error. ValueError: A lower bound that is not less than an upper bound will produce an error. """ if isinstance(bounds, str) is True: if bounds == "fixed": self._bounds = (0.0, 0.0) # default value self._fixed = True else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown bound option {bounds}.") else: if hasattr(bounds, "__iter__") is not True: raise ValueError( f"Unknown bound optiom {bounds} of a non-iterable type " f"{type(bounds)}." ) if len(bounds) != 2: raise ValueError( f"Provided hyperparameter optimization bounds have " f"unsupported length {len(bounds)}." ) if isinstance(bounds[0], Number) is not True: raise ValueError( f"Nonscalar {bounds[0]} of type {type(bounds[0])} is not a " f"supported hyperparameter bound type." ) if isinstance(bounds[1], Number) is not True: raise ValueError( f"Nonscalar {bounds[1]} of type {type(bounds[1])} is not a " f"supported hyperparameter bound type." ) bounds = (float(bounds[0]), float(bounds[1])) if bounds[0] > bounds[1]: raise ValueError( f"Lower bound {bounds[0]} is not lesser than upper bound " f"{bounds[1]}." ) self._bounds = bounds self._fixed = False
[docs] def __call__(self) -> float: """ Value accessor. Returns: The current value of the hyperparameter. """ return self._val
[docs] def get_bounds(self) -> Tuple[float, float]: """ Bounds accessor. Returns: The lower and upper bound tuple. """ return self._bounds
[docs] def fixed(self) -> bool: """ Report whether the parameter is fixed, and is to be ignored during optimization. Returns: `True` if fixed, `False` otherwise. """ return self._fixed
def apply(self, fn: Callable, name: str) -> Callable: if self.fixed(): def applied_fn(*args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault(name, self()) return fn(*args, **kwargs) return applied_fn return fn def append_lists( self, name: str, names: List[str], params: List[float], bounds: List[Tuple[float, float]], ): if not self.fixed(): names.append(name) params.append(self()) bounds.append(self.get_bounds())
def _init_scalar_hyperparameter( val_def: Union[str, float], bounds_def: Union[str, Tuple[float, float]], type: Type = ScalarHyperparameter, **kwargs, ) -> ScalarHyperparameter: """ Initialize a hyperparameter given default values. Args: val: A valid value or `"sample"` or `"log_sample"`. bounds: Iterable container of len 2 containing lower and upper bounds (in that order), or the string `"fixed"`. kwargs: A hyperparameter dict including as subset of the keys `val` and `bounds`. """ val = kwargs.get("val", val_def) bounds = kwargs.get("bounds", bounds_def) return type(val, bounds)