class, noise=< object>, scale=< object>, _backend_mean_fn=<function _muygps_posterior_mean>, _backend_var_fn=<function _muygps_diagonal_variance>, _backend_fast_mean_fn=<function _muygps_fast_posterior_mean>, _backend_fast_precompute_fn=<function _muygps_fast_posterior_mean_precompute>)[source]

Local Kriging Gaussian Process.

Performs approximate GP inference by locally approximating an observation’s response using its nearest neighbors. Implements the MuyGPs algorithm as articulated in [muyskens2021muygps].

Kernels accept different hyperparameter dictionaries specifying hyperparameter settings. Keys can include val and bounds. bounds must be either a len == 2 iterable container whose elements are scalars in increasing order, or the string fixed. If bounds == fixed (the default behavior), the hyperparameter value will remain fixed during optimization. val must be either a scalar (within the range of the upper and lower bounds if given) or the strings "sample" or log_sample", which will randomly sample a value within the range given by the bounds.

In addition to individual kernel hyperparamters, each MuyGPS object also possesses a noise model, possibly with parameters, and a vector of \(\sigma^2\) indicating the scale parameter associated with the posterior variance of each dimension of the response.


>>> from import MuyGPS
>>> muygps = MuyGPS(
...    kernel=Matern(
...        nu=Parameter(0.38, (0.1, 2.5)),
...        deformation=Isotropy(
...            metric=F2,
...            length_scale=Parameter(0.2),
...        ),
...    ),
...    noise=HomoscedasticNoise(1e-5),
...    scale=AnalyticScale(),
... )

MuyGPyS depends upon linear operations on specially-constructed tensors in order to efficiently estimate GP realizations. One can use (see their documentation for details) to construct pairwise difference tensors and to produce crosswise diff tensors that MuyGPS can then use to construct kernel tensors and cross-covariance matrices, respectively.

We can easily realize kernel tensors using a MuyGPS object’s kernel functor once we have computed a pairwise_diffs tensor and a crosswise_diffs matrix.


>>> K = muygps.kernel(pairwise_diffs)
>>> Kcross = muygps.kernel(crosswise_diffs)
  • kernel (KernelFn) – The kernel to be used.

  • noise (NoiseFn) – A noise model.

  • scale (ScaleFn) – A variance scale parameter.

  • response_count – The number of response dimensions.

fast_coefficients(K, train_nn_targets_fast)[source]

Produces coefficient matrix for the fast posterior mean given in Equation (8) of [dunton2022fast].

To form each row of this matrix, we compute

\[\mathbf{C}_{N^*}(i, :) = (K_{\hat{\theta}} (X_{N^*}, X_{N^*}) + \varepsilon)^{-1} Y(X_{N^*}).\]

Here \(X_{N^*}\) is the union of the nearest neighbor of the ith test point and the nn_count - 1 nearest neighbors of this nearest neighbor, \(K_{\hat{\theta}}\) is the trained kernel functor specified by self.kernel, \(\varepsilon\) is a diagonal noise matrix whose diagonal elements are informed by the self.noise hyperparameter, and \(Y(X_{N^*})\) is the (train_count,) vector of responses corresponding to the training features indexed by $N^*$.

  • K (ndarray) – A tensor of shape (batch_count, nn_count, nn_count) containing the (nn_count, nn_count)-shaped kernel matrices corresponding to each of the batch elements.

  • Kcross – A matrix of shape (batch_count, nn_count) whose rows consist of (1, nn_count)-shaped cross-covariance vector corresponding to each of the batch elements and its nearest neighbors.

Return type:



A matrix of shape (train_count, nn_count) whose rows are the precomputed coefficients for fast posterior mean inference.

fast_posterior_mean(Kcross, coeffs_tensor)[source]

Performs fast posterior mean inference using provided cross-covariance and precomputed coefficient matrix.

Assumes that cross-covariance matrix Kcross is already computed and given as an argument.

Returns the predicted response in the form of a posterior mean for each element of the batch of observations, as computed in Equation (9) of [dunton2022fast]. For each test point \(\mathbf{z}\), we compute

\[\widehat{Y} (\mathbf{z} \mid X) = K_\theta (\mathbf{z}, X_{N^*}) \mathbf{C}_{N^*}.\]

Here \(X_{N^*}\) is the union of the nearest neighbor of the queried test point \(\mathbf{z}\) and the nearest neighbors of that training point, \(K_\theta\) is the kernel functor specified by self.kernel, and \(\mathbf{C}_{N^*}\) is the matrix of precomputed coefficients given in Equation (8) of [dunton2022fast].

  • Kcross (ndarray) – A matrix of shape (batch_count, nn_count) whose rows consist of (1, nn_count)-shaped cross-covariance vector corresponding to each of the batch elements and its nearest neighbors.

  • coeffs_tensor (ndarray) – A matrix of shape (batch_count, nn_count, response_count) whose rows are given by precomputed coefficients.

Return type:



A matrix of shape (batch_count, response_count) whose rows are the predicted response for each of the given indices.


Checks whether all kernel and model parameters are fixed.

This is a convenience utility to determine whether optimization is required.

Return type:



Returns True if all parameters are fixed, and False otherwise.


Return a posterior mean function for use in optimization.

Assumes that optimization parameter literals will be passed as keyword arguments.

Return type:



A function implementing the posterior mean, where noise is either fixed or takes updating values during optimization. The function expects keyword arguments corresponding to current hyperparameter values for unfixed parameters.


Return lists of unfixed hyperparameter names, values, and bounds.

Return type:

Tuple[List[str], ndarray, ndarray]



A list of unfixed hyperparameter names.


A list of unfixed hyperparameter values.


A list of unfixed hyperparameter bound tuples.


Return a posterior variance function for use in optimization.

Assumes that optimization parameter literals will be passed as keyword arguments.

Return type:



A function implementing posterior variance, where noise is either fixed or takes updating values during optimization. The function expects keyword arguments corresponding to current hyperparameter values for unfixed parameters.

posterior_mean(K, Kcross, batch_nn_targets)[source]

Returns the posterior mean from the provided covariance, cross-covariance, and target tensors.

Computes parallelized local solves of systems of linear equations using the last two dimensions of K along with Kcross and batch_nn_targets to predict responses in terms of the posterior mean. Assumes that kernel tensor K and cross-covariance matrix Kcross are already computed and given as arguments.

Returns the predicted response in the form of a posterior mean for each element of the batch of observations, as computed in Equation (3.4) of [muyskens2021muygps]. For each batch element \(\mathbf{x}_i\), we compute

\[\widehat{Y}_{NN} (\mathbf{x}_i \mid X_{N_i}) = K_\theta (\mathbf{x}_i, X_{N_i}) (K_\theta (X_{N_i}, X_{N_i}) + \varepsilon)^{-1} Y(X_{N_i}).\]

Here \(X_{N_i}\) is the set of nearest neighbors of \(\mathbf{x}_i\) in the training data, \(K_\theta\) is the kernel functor specified by self.kernel, \(\varepsilon\) is a diagonal noise matrix whose diagonal elements are informed by the self.noise hyperparameter, and \(Y(X_{N_i})\) is the (nn_count, response_count) matrix of responses of the nearest neighbors given by the second two dimensions of the batch_nn_targets argument.

  • K (ndarray) – A tensor of shape (batch_count, nn_count, nn_count) containing the (nn_count, nn_count)-shaped kernel matrices corresponding to each of the batch elements.

  • Kcross (ndarray) – A matrix of shape (batch_count, nn_count) whose rows consist of (1, nn_count)-shaped cross-covariance vector corresponding to each of the batch elements and its nearest neighbors.

  • batch_nn_targets (ndarray) – A tensor of shape (batch_count, nn_count, response_count) whose last dimension lists the vector-valued responses for the nearest neighbors of each batch element.

Return type:



A matrix of shape (batch_count, response_count) whose rows are the predicted response for each of the given indices.

posterior_variance(K, Kcross)[source]

Returns the posterior mean from the provided covariance and cross-covariance tensors.

Return the local posterior variances of each prediction, corresponding to the diagonal elements of a covariance matrix. For each batch element \(\mathbf{x}_i\), we compute

\[Var(\widehat{Y}_{NN} (\mathbf{x}_i \mid X_{N_i})) = K_\theta (\mathbf{x}_i, \mathbf{x}_i) - K_\theta (\mathbf{x}_i, X_{N_i}) (K_\theta (X_{N_i}, X_{N_i}) + \varepsilon)^{-1} K_\theta (X_{N_i}, \mathbf{x}_i).\]
  • K (ndarray) – A tensor of shape (batch_count, nn_count, nn_count) containing the (nn_count, nn_count)-shaped kernel matrices corresponding to each of the batch elements.

  • Kcross (ndarray) – A matrix of shape (batch_count, nn_count) whose rows consist of (1, nn_count)-shaped cross-covariance vector corresponding to each of the batch elements and its nearest neighbors.

Return type:



A vector of shape (batch_count, response_count) consisting of the diagonal elements of the posterior variance.