Source code for

# Copyright 2021-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# MuyGPyS Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

MuyGPs implementation

from typing import Callable, List, Tuple, Union
from copy import deepcopy

import MuyGPyS._src.math as mm
from MuyGPyS._src.util import auto_str
from import (
from import PosteriorMean
from import SigmaSq
from import PosteriorVariance
from import HeteroscedasticNoise, HomoscedasticNoise, NullNoise
from import FastPosteriorMean
from import FastPrecomputeCoefficients

[docs]@auto_str class MuyGPS: """ Local Kriging Gaussian Process. Performs approximate GP inference by locally approximating an observation's response using its nearest neighbors. Implements the MuyGPs algorithm as articulated in [muyskens2021muygps]_. Kernels accept different hyperparameter dictionaries specifying hyperparameter settings. Keys can include `val` and `bounds`. `bounds` must be either a len == 2 iterable container whose elements are scalars in increasing order, or the string `fixed`. If `bounds == fixed` (the default behavior), the hyperparameter value will remain fixed during optimization. `val` must be either a scalar (within the range of the upper and lower bounds if given) or the strings `"sample"` or `log_sample"`, which will randomly sample a value within the range given by the bounds. In addition to individual kernel hyperparamters, each MuyGPS object also possesses a homoscedastic :math:`\\varepsilon` noise parameter and a vector of :math:`\\sigma^2` indicating the scale parameter associated with the posterior variance of each dimension of the response. :math:`\\sigma^2` is the only parameter assumed to be a training target by default, and is treated differently from all other hyperparameters. All other training targets must be manually specified in `k_kwargs`. Example: >>> from import MuyGPS >>> k_kwargs = { ... "kern": "rbf", ... "metric": "F2", ... "eps": {"val": 1e-5}, ... "nu": {"val": 0.38, "bounds": (0.1, 2.5)}, ... "length_scale": {"val": 7.2}, ... } >>> muygps = MuyGPS(**k_kwarg) MuyGPyS depends upon linear operations on specially-constructed tensors in order to efficiently estimate GP realizations. One can use (see their documentation for details) :func:`` to construct pairwise difference tensors and :func:`` to produce crosswise diff tensors that `MuyGPS` can then use to construct kernel tensors and cross-covariance matrices, respectively. We can easily realize kernel tensors using a `MuyGPS` object's `kernel` functor once we have computed a `pairwise_diffs` tensor and a `crosswise_diffs` matrix. Example: >>> K = muygps.kernel(pairwise_diffs) >>> Kcross = muygps.kernel(crosswise_diffs) Args: kernel: The kernel to be used. eps: A noise model. response_count: The number of response dimensions. """ def __init__( self, kernel: Union[Matern, RBF], eps: Union[ NullNoise, HomoscedasticNoise, HeteroscedasticNoise ] = HomoscedasticNoise(0.0, "fixed"), response_count: int = 1, ): self.kernel = kernel self.sigma_sq = SigmaSq(response_count) self.eps = eps self._make() def _make(self) -> None: self.kernel._make() self._mean_fn = PosteriorMean(self.eps) self._var_fn = PosteriorVariance(self.eps, self.sigma_sq) self._fast_posterior_mean_fn = FastPosteriorMean() self._fast_precompute_fn = FastPrecomputeCoefficients(self.eps)
[docs] def set_eps(self, **eps) -> None: """ Reset :math:`\\varepsilon` value or bounds. Uses existing value and bounds as defaults. Args: eps: A hyperparameter dict. """ self.eps._set(**eps)
[docs] def fixed(self) -> bool: """ Checks whether all kernel and model parameters are fixed. This is a convenience utility to determine whether optimization is required. Returns: Returns `True` if all parameters are fixed, and `False` otherwise. """ for p in self.kernel._hyperparameters: if not self.kernel._hyperparameters[p].fixed(): return False if not self.eps.fixed(): return False return True
[docs] def get_opt_params( self, ) -> Tuple[List[str], mm.ndarray, mm.ndarray]: """ Return lists of unfixed hyperparameter names, values, and bounds. Returns ------- names: A list of unfixed hyperparameter names. params: A list of unfixed hyperparameter values. bounds: A list of unfixed hyperparameter bound tuples. """ names, params, bounds = self.kernel.get_opt_params() self.eps.append_lists("eps", names, params, bounds) return names, mm.array(params), mm.array(bounds)
[docs] def fast_coefficients( self, K: mm.ndarray, train_nn_targets_fast: mm.ndarray, ) -> mm.ndarray: """ Produces coefficient matrix for the fast posterior mean given in Equation (8) of [dunton2022fast]_. To form each row of this matrix, we compute .. math:: \\mathbf{C}_{N^*}(i, :) = (K_{\\hat{\\theta}} (X_{N^*}, X_{N^*}) + \\varepsilon I_k)^{-1} Y(X_{N^*}). Here :math:`X_{N^*}` is the union of the nearest neighbor of the ith test point and the `nn_count - 1` nearest neighbors of this nearest neighbor, :math:`K_{\\hat{\\theta}}` is the trained kernel functor specified by `self.kernel`, :math:`\\varepsilon I_k` is a diagonal noise matrix whose diagonal is the value of the `self.eps` hyperparameter, and :math:`Y(X_{N^*})` is the `(train_count,)` vector of responses corresponding to the training features indexed by $N^*$. Args: K: The full pairwise kernel tensor of shape `(train_count, nn_count, nn_count)`. train_nn_targets_fast: The nearest neighbor response of each training points of shape `(train_count, nn_count, response_count)`. Returns: A matrix of shape `(train_count, nn_count)` whose rows are the precomputed coefficients for fast posterior mean inference. """ return self._fast_precompute_fn( K, train_nn_targets_fast, )
[docs] def posterior_mean( self, K: mm.ndarray, Kcross: mm.ndarray, batch_nn_targets: mm.ndarray ) -> mm.ndarray: """ Returns the posterior mean from the provided covariance, cross-covariance, and target tensors. Computes parallelized local solves of systems of linear equations using the last two dimensions of `K` along with `Kcross` and `batch_nn_targets` to predict responses in terms of the posterior mean. Assumes that kernel tensor `K` and cross-covariance matrix `Kcross` are already computed and given as arguments. Returns the predicted response in the form of a posterior mean for each element of the batch of observations, as computed in Equation (3.4) of [muyskens2021muygps]_. For each batch element :math:`\\mathbf{x}_i`, we compute .. math:: \\widehat{Y}_{NN} (\\mathbf{x}_i \\mid X_{N_i}) = K_\\theta (\\mathbf{x}_i, X_{N_i}) (K_\\theta (X_{N_i}, X_{N_i}) + \\varepsilon I_k)^{-1} Y(X_{N_i}). Here :math:`X_{N_i}` is the set of nearest neighbors of :math:`\\mathbf{x}_i` in the training data, :math:`K_\\theta` is the kernel functor specified by `self.kernel`, :math:`\\varepsilon I_k` is a diagonal homoscedastic noise matrix whose diagonal is the value of the `self.eps` hyperparameter, and :math:`Y(X_{N_i})` is the `(nn_count, response_count)` matrix of responses of the nearest neighbors given by the second two dimensions of the `batch_nn_targets` argument. Args: K: A tensor of shape `(batch_count, nn_count, nn_count)` containing the `(nn_count, nn_count` -shaped kernel matrices corresponding to each of the batch elements. Kcross: A matrix of shape `(batch_count, nn_count)` containing the `1 x nn_count` -shaped cross-covariance matrix corresponding to each of the batch elements. batch_nn_targets: A tensor of shape `(batch_count, nn_count, response_count)` whose last dimension lists the vector-valued responses for the nearest neighbors of each batch element. Returns: A matrix of shape `(batch_count, response_count)` whose rows are the predicted response for each of the given indices. """ return self._mean_fn(K, Kcross, batch_nn_targets)
[docs] def posterior_variance( self, K: mm.ndarray, Kcross: mm.ndarray, ) -> mm.ndarray: """ Returns the posterior mean from the provided covariance and cross-covariance tensors. Return the local posterior variances of each prediction, corresponding to the diagonal elements of a covariance matrix. For each batch element :math:`\\mathbf{x}_i`, we compute .. math:: Var(\\widehat{Y}_{NN} (\\mathbf{x}_i \\mid X_{N_i})) = K_\\theta (\\mathbf{x}_i, \\mathbf{x}_i) - K_\\theta (\\mathbf{x}_i, X_{N_i}) (K_\\theta (X_{N_i}, X_{N_i}) + \\varepsilon I_k)^{-1} K_\\theta (X_{N_i}, \\mathbf{x}_i). Args: K: A tensor of shape `(batch_count, nn_count, nn_count)` containing the `(nn_count, nn_count` -shaped kernel matrices corresponding to each of the batch elements. Kcross: A matrix of shape `(batch_count, nn_count)` containing the `1 x nn_count` -shaped cross-covariance matrix corresponding to each of the batch elements. Returns: A vector of shape `(batch_count, response_count)` consisting of the diagonal elements of the posterior variance. """ return self._var_fn(K, Kcross)
[docs] def fast_posterior_mean( self, Kcross: mm.ndarray, coeffs_tensor: mm.ndarray, ) -> mm.ndarray: """ Performs fast posterior mean inference using provided cross-covariance and precomputed coefficient matrix. Assumes that cross-covariance matrix `Kcross` is already computed and given as an argument. Returns the predicted response in the form of a posterior mean for each element of the batch of observations, as computed in Equation (9) of [dunton2022fast]_. For each test point :math:`\\mathbf{z}`, we compute .. math:: \\widehat{Y} (\\mathbf{z} \\mid X) = K_\\theta (\\mathbf{z}, X_{N^*}) \\mathbf{C}_{N^*}. Here :math:`X_{N^*}` is the union of the nearest neighbor of the queried test point :math:`\\mathbf{z}` and the nearest neighbors of that training point, :math:`K_\\theta` is the kernel functor specified by `self.kernel`, and :math:`\\mathbf{C}_{N^*}` is the matrix of precomputed coefficients given in Equation (8) of [dunton2022fast]_. Args: Kcross: A matrix of shape `(batch_count, nn_count)` containing the `1 x nn_count` -shaped cross-covariance vector corresponding to each of the batch elements. coeffs_tensor: A matrix of shape `(batch_count, nn_count, response_count)` whose rows are given by precomputed coefficients. Returns: A matrix of shape `(batch_count, response_count)` whose rows are the predicted response for each of the given indices. """ return self._fast_posterior_mean_fn(Kcross, coeffs_tensor)
[docs] def apply_new_noise( self, new_noise: Union[HeteroscedasticNoise, HomoscedasticNoise, NullNoise], ): """ Updates the homo/heteroscedastic noise parameter(s) of a MuyGPs model. To be used when the MuyGPs model has been trained and needs to be used for prediction, or if multiple batches are needed during training of a heteroscedastic model. Args: new_noise: If homoscedastic, a float to update the nugget parameter. If heteroscedastic, a matrix of shape `(test_count, nn_count)` containing the measurement noise corresponding to the nearest neighbors of each test point. Returns: A MuyGPs model with updated noise parameter(s). """ ret = deepcopy(self) ret.eps = new_noise ret._mean_fn = PosteriorMean(ret.eps) ret._var_fn = PosteriorVariance(ret.eps, ret.sigma_sq) return ret
[docs] def get_opt_mean_fn(self) -> Callable: """ Return a posterior mean function for use in optimization. This function is designed for use with :func:`MuyGPyS.optimize.chassis.optimize_from_tensors()` and assumes that either `eps` will be passed via a keyword argument or not at all. Returns: A function implementing the posterior mean, where `eps` is either fixed or takes updating values during optimization. The function expects keyword arguments corresponding to current hyperparameter values for unfixed parameters. """ return self._mean_fn.get_opt_fn()
[docs] def get_opt_var_fn(self) -> Callable: """ Return a posterior variance function for use in optimization. This function is designed for use with :func:`MuyGPyS.optimize.chassis.optimize_from_tensors()` and assumes that either `eps` will be passed via a keyword argument or not at all. Returns: A function implementing posterior variance, where `eps` is either fixed or takes updating values during optimization. The function expects keyword arguments corresponding to current hyperparameter values for unfixed parameters. """ return self._var_fn.get_opt_fn()
def __eq__(self, rhs) -> bool: if isinstance(rhs, self.__class__): return all( ( all( self.kernel._hyperparameters[h]() == rhs.kernel._hyperparameters[h]() for h in self.kernel._hyperparameters ), self.eps() == rhs.eps(), self.sigma_sq() == rhs.sigma_sq(), ) ) else: return False