Source code for

# Copyright 2021-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# MuyGPyS Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

RBF kernel functor

Defines RBF (or Gaussian, or squared exponential) kernel  (inheriting
:class:``) that transform crosswise and
pairwise difference tensors into cross-covariance and covariance (or kernel)
tensors, respectively.

See the following example to initialize an :class:``
object. Other kernel functors are similar, but require different

    >>> kernel_fn = RBF(
    ...     deformation=Isotropy(
    ...         metric=l2,
    ...         length_scale=Parameter(1.0),
    ...     ),
    ... )

One uses a previously computed `pairwise_diffs` tensor (see
:func:``) to compute a kernel tensor whose
second two dimensions contain square kernel matrices. Similarly, one uses a
previously computed `crosswise_diffs` matrix (see
:func:``) to compute a cross-covariance
matrix. See the following example, which assumes that you have already
constructed the difference `numpy.nparrays` and the kernel `kernel_fn` as shown

    >>> Kin = kernel_fn(pairwise_diffs)
    >>> Kcross = kernel_fn(crosswise_diffs)

from typing import Callable

import MuyGPyS._src.math as mm
from import _rbf_fn
from MuyGPyS._src.util import auto_str
from import DeformationFn, Isotropy, F2
from import KernelFn
from import ScalarParam

[docs]@auto_str class RBF(KernelFn): """ The radial basis function (RBF) or squared-exponential kernel. The RBF kernel includes a parameterized scaled distance function :math:`d_\\ell(\\cdot, \\cdot)`. The kernel is defined by .. math:: Kin(x_i, x_j) = \\exp\\left(- d_\\ell(x_i, x_j)\\right). Typically, :math:`d(\\cdot,\\cdot)` is the squared Euclidean distance or second frequency moment of the difference of the operands. Args: deformation: The deformation functor to be used. Includes length_scale hyperparameter information via the `` module """ def __init__( self, deformation: DeformationFn = Isotropy( F2, length_scale=ScalarParam(1.0) ), _backend_fn: Callable = _rbf_fn, _backend_ones: Callable = mm.ones, _backend_zeros: Callable = mm.zeros, _backend_squeeze: Callable = mm.squeeze, ): super().__init__(deformation=deformation) self._backend_ones = _backend_ones self._backend_zeros = _backend_zeros self._backend_squeeze = _backend_squeeze self._kernel_fn = _backend_fn self._make() def _make(self): super()._make_base() self._fn = self.deformation.length_scale.apply_embedding_fn( self._kernel_fn, self.deformation )
[docs] def __call__(self, diffs: mm.ndarray, **kwargs) -> mm.ndarray: """ Compute RBF kernel(s) from a difference tensor. Args: diffs: A tensor of pairwise diffs of shape `(data_count, nn_count, nn_count, feature_count)` or `(data_count, nn_count, feature_count)`. In the four dimensional case, it is assumed that the diagonals dists diffs[i, j, j, :] == 0. Returns: A cross-covariance matrix of shape `(data_count, nn_count)` or a tensor of shape `(data_count, nn_count, nn_count)` whose last two dimensions are kernel matrices. """ return self._fn(diffs, **kwargs)
def Kout(self, **kwargs) -> mm.ndarray: return self._backend_squeeze(self._backend_ones((1, 1)))
[docs] def get_opt_fn(self) -> Callable: """ Return a kernel function with fixed parameters set. Assumes that optimization parameter literals will be passed as keyword arguments. Returns: A function implementing the kernel where all fixed parameters are set. The function expects keyword arguments corresponding to current hyperparameter values for unfixed parameters. """ return self._fn