Source code for

# Copyright 2021 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other MuyGPyS
# Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

"""Hyperparameters and kernel functors

Defines kernel functors (inheriting :class:``) that
transform crosswise distance matrices into cross-covariance matrices and 
pairwise distance matrices into covariance or kernel matrices. 

Hyperparameters are expected to be provided in `Dict` form with the keys `"val"`
and `"bounds"`. `"bounds"` is either a 2-tuple indicating a lower and upper 
optimization bound or the string `"fixed"`, which exempts the hyperparameter 
from optimization (`"fixed"` is the default behavior if `bounds` is 
unspecified). `"val"` is either a floating point value (within the range between 
the upper and lower bounds if specified). 

See the following example to initialize an :class:`` 
object. Other kernel functors are similar, but require different 

    >>> from import Matern
    >>> kern = Matern(
    ...         nu = {"val": "log_sample", "bounds": (0.1, 2.5)},
    ...         length_scale = {"val": 7.2},
    ...         metric = "l2",
    ... }

One uses a previously computed `pairwise_dists` tensor (see 
:func:``) to compute a kernel tensor whose 
second two dimensions contain square kernel matrices. Similarly, one uses a 
previously computed `crosswise_dists` matrix (see 
:func:``) to compute a cross-covariance 
matrix. See the following example, which assumes that you have already 
constructed the distance `numpy.nparrays` and the kernel `kern` as shown above. 

    >>> K = kern(pairwise_dists)
    >>> Kcross = kern(crosswise_dists) 

import numpy as np

from typing import cast, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union

from scipy.special import gamma, kv

[docs]class SigmaSq: """ A :math:`\\sigma^2` covariance scale parameter. :math:`\\sigma^2` is a scaling parameter that one multiplies with the found diagonal variances of a :class:`` or :class:`` regression in order to obtain the predicted posterior variance. Trained values assume a number of dimensions equal to the number of response dimensions, and correspond to scalar scaling parameters along the corresponding dimensions. """ def __init__(self): self.val = "unlearned" def _set(self, val: np.ndarray) -> None: """ Value setter. Args: val: The new value of the hyperparameter. """ if not isinstance(val, np.ndarray): raise ValueError( f"Expected np.ndarray for SigmaSq value update, not {val}" ) self.val = val
[docs] def __call__(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Value accessor. Returns: The current value of the hyperparameter. """ return self.val
[docs]class Hyperparameter: """ A MuyGPs kernel or model Hyperparameter. Hyperparameters are defined by a value and optimization bounds. Values must be scalar numeric types, and bounds are either a len == 2 iterable container whose elements are numeric scalars in increasing order, or the string `fixed`. If `bounds == "fixed"` (the default behavior), the hyperparameter value will remain fixed during optimization. `val` must remain within the range of the upper and lower bounds, if not `fixed`. Args: val: A scalar within the range of the upper and lower bounds (if given). val can also be the strings `"sample"` or `"log_sample"`, which will result in randomly sampling a value within the range given by the bounds. bounds: Iterable container of len 2 containing lower and upper bounds (in that order), or the string `"fixed"`. Raises: ValueError: Any `bounds` string other than `"fixed"` will produce an error. ValueError: A non-iterable non-string type for `bounds` will produce an error. ValueError: A `bounds` iterable of len other than 2 will produce an error. ValueError: Iterable `bounds` values of non-numeric types will produce an error. ValueError: A lower bound that is not less than an upper bound will produce an error. ValueError: `val == "sample" or val == "log_sample"` will produce an error if `self._bounds == "fixed"`. ValueError: Any string other than `"sample"` or `"log_sample"` will produce an error. ValueError: A `val` outside of the range specified by `self._bounds` will produce an error. """ def __init__( self, val: Union[str, float], bounds: Union[str, Tuple[float, float]], ): """ Initialize a hyperparameter. """ self._set_bounds(bounds) self._set_val(val) def _set( self, val: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None, bounds: Optional[Union[str, Tuple[float, float]]] = None, ) -> None: """ Reset hyperparameter value and/or bounds using keyword arguments. Args: val: A valid value or `"sample"` or `"log_sample"`. bounds: Iterable container of len 2 containing lower and upper bounds (in that order), or the string `"fixed"`. Raises: ValueError: Any `bounds` string other than `"fixed"` will produce an error. ValueError: A non-numeric, non-numeric, or non-string type for `bounds` will produce an error. ValueError: A `bounds` iterable of len other than 2 will produce an error. ValueError: Iterable `bounds` values of non-numeric types will produce an error. ValueError: A lower bound that is not less than an upper bound will produce an error. ValueError: `val == "sample" or val == "log_sample"` will produce an error if `self._bounds == "fixed"`. ValueError: Any string other than `"sample"` or `"log_sample"` will produce an error. ValueError: A `val` outside of the range specified by `self._bounds` will produce an error. """ if bounds is not None: self._set_bounds(bounds) if val is not None: self._set_val(val) def _set_val(self, val: Union[str, float]) -> None: """ Set hyperparameter value; sample if appropriate. Throws on out-of-range and other badness. Args: val: A valid scalar value or the strings `"sample"` or `"log_sample"`. Raises: ValueError: A non-scalar, non-numeric and non-string val will produce an error. ValueError: `val == "sample" or val == "log_sample"` will produce an error if `bounds == "fixed"`. ValueError: Any `val` string other than `"sample"` or `"log_sample"` will produce an error. ValueError: A `val` outside of the range specified by `bounds` will produce an error. """ if not isinstance(val, str): if not np.isscalar(val): raise ValueError( f"Nonscalar hyperparameter value {val} is not allowed." ) val = np.squeeze(val).astype(float) else: if val != "sample" and val != "log_sample": raise ValueError( f"Unsupported string hyperparameter value {val}." ) if self._bounds == "fixed": if val == "sample" or val == "log_sample": raise ValueError( f"Fixed bounds do not support string value ({val}) prompts." ) else: if val == "sample": val = np.random.uniform( low=self._bounds[0], high=self._bounds[1] ) elif val == "log_sample": val = np.exp( np.random.uniform( low=np.log(self._bounds[0]), high=np.log(self._bounds[1]), ) ) else: any_below = np.any( np.choose( cast(float, val) < cast(float, self._bounds[0]) - 1e-5, [False, True], ) ) any_above = np.any( np.choose( cast(float, val) > cast(float, self._bounds[1]) + 1e-5, [False, True], ) ) if any_below == True: raise ValueError( f"Hyperparameter value {val} is lesser than the " f"optimization lower bound {self._bounds[0]}" ) if any_above == True: raise ValueError( f"Hyperparameter value {val} is greater than the " f"optimization upper bound {self._bounds[1]}" ) self._val = cast(float, val) def _set_bounds( self, bounds: Union[str, Tuple[float, float]], ) -> None: """ Set hyperparameter bounds. Args: bounds: Iterable container of len 2 containing lower and upper bounds (in that order), or the string `"fixed"`. Raises: ValueError: Any string other than `"fixed"` will produce an error. ValueError: A non-iterable type will produce an error. ValueError: An iterable of len other than 2 will produce an error. ValueError: Iterable values of non-numeric types will produce an error. ValueError: A lower bound that is not less than an upper bound will produce an error. """ if bounds != "fixed": if isinstance(bounds, str) is True: raise ValueError(f"Unknown bound option {bounds}.") if hasattr(bounds, "__iter__") is not True: raise ValueError( f"Unknown bound optiom {bounds} of a non-iterable type " f"{type(bounds)}." ) if len(bounds) != 2: raise ValueError( f"Provided hyperparameter optimization bounds have " f"unsupported length {len(bounds)}." ) if np.issubdtype(type(bounds[0]), np.number) is not True: raise ValueError( f"Nonscalar {bounds[0]} of type {type(bounds[0])} is not a " f"supported hyperparameter bound type." ) if np.issubdtype(type(bounds[1]), np.number) is not True: raise ValueError( f"Nonscalar {bounds[1]} of type {type(bounds[1])} is not a " f"supported hyperparameter bound type." ) if float(bounds[0]) > float(bounds[1]): raise ValueError( f"Lower bound {bounds[0]} is not lesser than upper bound " f"{bounds[1]}." ) bounds = (float(bounds[0]), float(bounds[1])) self._bounds = bounds
[docs] def __call__(self) -> float: """ Value accessor. Returns: The current value of the hyperparameter. """ return self._val
[docs] def get_bounds(self) -> Union[str, Tuple[float, float]]: """ Bounds accessor. Returns: The string `"fixed"` or the lower and upper bound tuple. """ return self._bounds
def _init_hyperparameter( val_def: Union[str, float], bounds_def: Union[str, Tuple[float, float]], **kwargs, ) -> Hyperparameter: """ Initialize a hyperparameter given default values. Args: val: A valid value or `"sample"` or `"log_sample"`. bounds: Iterable container of len 2 containing lower and upper bounds (in that order), or the string `"fixed"`. kwargs: A hyperparameter dict including as subset of the keys `val` and `bounds`. """ val = kwargs.get("val", val_def) bounds = kwargs.get("bounds", bounds_def) return Hyperparameter(val, bounds)
[docs]class KernelFn: """ A kernel functor. Base class for kernel functors that include a hyperparameter Dict and a call mechanism. Args: kwargs: Ignored (by this base class) keyword arguments. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Initialize dict holding hyperparameters. """ self.hyperparameters = dict() self.metric = ""
[docs] def set_params( self, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Reset hyperparameters using hyperparameter dict(s). Args: kwargs: Hyperparameter kwargs. """ for name in kwargs: self.hyperparameters[name]._set(**kwargs[name])
[docs] def __call__(self, squared_dists: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: pass
def __str__(self) -> str: """ Print state of hyperparameter dict. Intended only for testing purposes. """ ret = "" for p in self.hyperparameters: param = self.hyperparameters[p] ret += f"{p} : {param()} - {param.get_bounds()}\n" return ret[:-1]
[docs]class RBF(KernelFn): """ The radial basis function (RBF) or squared-exponential kernel. The RBF kernel includes a single explicit length scale parameter :math:`\\ell>0`, and depends upon a distance function :math:`d(\\cdot, \\cdot)`. NOTE[bwp] We currently assume that the kernel is isotropic, so :math:`|\\ell| = 1`. The kernel is defined by .. math:: K(x_i, x_j) = \\exp\\left(- \\frac{d(x_i, x_j)}{2\\ell^2}\\right). Typically, :math:`d(\\cdot,\\cdot)` is the squared Euclidean distance or second frequency moment of the difference of the operands. Args: length_scale: A hyperparameter dict defining the length_scale parameter. metric: The distance function to be used. Defaults to `"F2"`. """ def __init__( self, length_scale: Dict[ str, Union[str, float, Tuple[float, float]] ] = dict(), metric: Optional[str] = "F2", ): super().__init__() self.length_scale = _init_hyperparameter(1.0, "fixed", **length_scale) self.hyperparameters["length_scale"] = self.length_scale self.metric = metric
[docs] def __call__(self, squared_dists: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Compute RBF kernel(s) from a distance matrix or tensor. Args: squared_dists: A matrix or tensor of pairwise distances (usually squared l2 or F2) of shape `(data_count, nn_count, nn_count)` or `(data_count, nn_count)`. In the tensor case, matrix diagonals along last two dimensions are expected to be 0. Returns: A cross-covariance matrix of shape `(data_count, nn_count)` or a tensor of shape `(data_count, nn_count, nn_count)` whose last two dimensions are kernel matrices. """ return np.exp(-squared_dists / (2 * self.length_scale() ** 2))
[docs]class Matern(KernelFn): """ The Màtern kernel. The Màtern kernel includes a length scale parameter :math:`\\ell>0` and an additional smoothness parameter :math:`\\nu>0`. :math:`\\nu` is inversely proportional to the smoothness of the resulting function. The Màtern kernel also depends upon a distance function :math:`d(\\cdot, \\cdot)`. As :math:`\\nu\\rightarrow\\infty`, the kernel becomes equivalent to the :class:`RBF` kernel. When :math:`\\nu = 1/2`, the Matérn kernel becomes identical to the absolute exponential kernel. Important intermediate values are :math:`\\nu=1.5` (once differentiable functions) and :math:`\\nu=2.5` (twice differentiable functions). NOTE[bwp] We currently assume that the kernel is isotropic, so :math:`|\\ell| = 1`. The kernel is defined by .. math:: k(x_i, x_j) = \\frac{1}{\\Gamma(\\nu)2^{\\nu-1}}\\Bigg( \\frac{\\sqrt{2\\nu}}{l} d(x_i , x_j ) \\Bigg)^\\nu K_\\nu\\Bigg( \\frac{\\sqrt{2\\nu}}{l} d(x_i , x_j )\\Bigg), where :math:`K_{\\nu}(\\cdot)` is a modified Bessel function and :math:`\\Gamma(\\cdot)` is the gamma function. Typically, :math:`d(\\cdot,\\cdot)` is the Euclidean distance or :math:`\\ell_2` norm of the difference of the operands. Args: nu: A hyperparameter dict defining the length_scale parameter. length_scale: A hyperparameter dict defining the length_scale parameter. metric: The distance function to be used. Defaults to `"l2"`. """ def __init__( self, nu: Dict[str, Union[str, float, Tuple[float, float]]] = dict(), length_scale: Dict[ str, Union[str, float, Tuple[float, float]] ] = dict(), metric: Optional[str] = "l2", ): super().__init__() = _init_hyperparameter(1.0, "fixed", **nu) self.length_scale = _init_hyperparameter(1.0, "fixed", **length_scale) self.hyperparameters["nu"] = self.hyperparameters["length_scale"] = self.length_scale self.metric = metric
[docs] def __call__(self, dists): """ Compute Matern kernels from distance tensor. Takes inspiration from [scikit-learn]( Args: squared_dists: A matrix or tensor of pairwise distances (usually squared l2 or F2) of shape `(data_count, nn_count, nn_count)` or `(data_count, nn_count)`. In the tensor case, matrix diagonals along last two dimensions are expected to be 0. Returns: A cross-covariance matrix of shape `(data_count, nn_count)` or a tensor of shape `(data_count, nn_count, nn_count)` whose last two dimensions are kernel matrices. """ nu = # length_scale = self.length_scale() dists = dists / self.length_scale() if nu == 0.5: K = np.exp(-dists) elif nu == 1.5: K = dists * np.sqrt(3) K = (1.0 + K) * np.exp(-K) elif nu == 2.5: K = dists * np.sqrt(5) K = (1.0 + K + K ** 2 / 3.0) * np.exp(-K) elif nu == np.inf: K = np.exp(-(dists ** 2) / 2.0) else: K = dists K[K == 0.0] += np.finfo(float).eps tmp = np.sqrt(2 * nu) * K K.fill((2 ** (1.0 - nu)) / gamma(nu)) K *= tmp ** nu K *= kv(nu, tmp) return K
def _get_kernel(kern: str, **kwargs) -> KernelFn: """ Select and return an appropriate kernel functor based upon the passed parameters. Args: kern: The kernel function to be used. Current supports only `"matern"` and `"rbf"`. kwargs : dict Kernel parameters, possibly including hyperparameter dicts. Return: The appropriately initialized kernel functor. """ if kern == "rbf": return RBF(**kwargs) elif kern == "matern": return Matern(**kwargs) else: raise ValueError(f"Kernel type {kern} is not supported!")