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# Copyright 2021-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# MuyGPyS Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

Multivariate MuyGPs implementation
import MuyGPyS._src.math as mm
from import _mmuygps_fast_posterior_mean
from import FixedScale
from import MuyGPS

[docs]class MultivariateMuyGPS: """ Multivariate Local Kriging Gaussian Process. Performs approximate GP inference by locally approximating an observation's response using its nearest neighbors with a separate kernel allocated for each response dimension, implemented as individual :class:`` objects. This class is similar in interface to :class:``, but requires a list of hyperparameter dicts at initialization. Example: >>> from import MultivariateMuyGPS as MMuyGPS >>> k_kwargs1 = { ... "noise": Parameter(1e-5), ... "kernel": Matern( ... smoothness=Parameter(0.67, (0.1, 2.5)), ... deformation=Isotropy( ... metric=l2, ... length_scale=Parameter(0.2), ... scale=AnalyticScale(), ... ), ... } >>> k_kwargs2 = { ... "noise": Parameter(1e-5), ... "kernel": Matern( ... smoothness=Parameter(0.67, (0.1, 2.5)), ... deformation=Isotropy( ... metric=l2, ... length_scale=Parameter(0.2), ... scale=AnalyticScale(), ... ), ... } >>> k_args = [k_kwargs1, k_kwargs2] >>> mmuygps = MMuyGPS(*k_args) We can realize kernel tensors for each of the models contained within a `MultivariateMuyGPS` object by iterating over its `models` member. Once we have computed `pairwise_diffs` and `crosswise_diffs` tensors, it is straightforward to perform each of these realizations. Example: >>> for model in MuyGPyS.models: >>> K = model.kernel(pairwise_diffs) >>> Kcross = model.kernel(crosswise_diffs) >>> # do something with K and Kcross... Args model_args: Dictionaries defining each internal :class:`` instance. """ def __init__( self, *model_args, ): self.models = [MuyGPS(**args) for args in model_args] self.scale = FixedScale(response_count=len(self.models))
[docs] def fixed(self) -> bool: """ Checks whether all kernel and model parameters are fixed for each model, excluding :math:`\\sigma^2`. Returns: Returns `True` if all parameters in all models are fixed, and `False` otherwise. """ return bool(all([model.fixed() for model in self.models]))
[docs] def posterior_mean( self, pairwise_diffs: mm.ndarray, crosswise_diffs: mm.ndarray, batch_nn_targets: mm.ndarray, ) -> mm.ndarray: """ Performs simultaneous posterior mean inference on provided difference tensors and the target matrix. Computes parallelized local solves of systems of linear equations using the kernel realizations, one for each internal model, of the last two dimensions of `pairwise_diffs` along with `crosswise_diffs` and `batch_nn_targets` to predict responses in terms of the posterior mean. Assumes that difference tensors `pairwise_diffs` and `crosswise_diffs` are already computed and given as arguments. Returns the predicted response in the form of a posterior mean for each element of the batch of observations by solving a system of linear equations induced by each kernel functor, one per response dimension, in a generalization of Equation (3.4) of [muyskens2021muygps]_. For each response dimension :math:`j`, given observation set :math:`X` with responses :math:`Y`, noise prior set :math:`\\varepsilon^{(j)}`, and kernel function :math:`K_{\\theta^{(j)}}(\\cdot, \\cdot)`, computes the following for each prediction element :math:`\\mathbf{z}_i` with nearest neighbors index set :math:`N_i`: .. math:: \\widehat{Y} (\\mathbf{z}_i \\mid X_{N_i})_j = \\sigma^2_j K_{\\theta^{(j)}} (\\mathbf{z}_i, X_{N_i}) \\left ( K_{\\theta^{(j)}} (X_{N_i}, X_{N_i}) + \\varepsilon^{(j)}_{N_i} \\right )^{-1} Y(X_{N_i})_{:,j}. Args: pairwise_diffs: A tensor of shape `(batch_count, nn_count, nn_count, feature_count)` containing the `(nn_count, nn_count, feature_count)`-shaped pairwise nearest neighbor difference tensors corresponding to each of the batch elements. crosswise_diffs: A matrix of shape `(batch_count, nn_count, feature_count)` whose rows list the difference between each feature of each batch element element and its nearest neighbors. batch_nn_targets: A tensor of shape `(batch_count, nn_count, response_count)` listing the vector-valued responses for the nearest neighbors of each batch element. Returns: A matrix of shape `(batch_count, response_count)` whose rows are the predicted response for each of the given indices. """ batch_count, nn_count, response_count = batch_nn_targets.shape responses = mm.zeros((batch_count, response_count)) for i, model in enumerate(self.models): K = model.kernel(pairwise_diffs) Kcross = model.kernel(crosswise_diffs) responses = mm.assign( responses, model.posterior_mean( K, Kcross, batch_nn_targets[:, :, i].reshape(batch_count, nn_count, 1), ).reshape(batch_count), slice(None), i, ) return responses
[docs] def posterior_variance( self, pairwise_diffs: mm.ndarray, crosswise_diffs: mm.ndarray, ) -> mm.ndarray: """ Returns the posterior variance from the provided difference tensors. Return the local posterior variances of each prediction, corresponding to the diagonal elements of a covariance matrix. For each response dimension, given observation set :math:`X` with responses :math:`Y`, noise prior set :math:`\\varepsilon^{(j)}`, and kernel function :math:`K_{\\theta^{(j)}}(\\cdot, \\cdot)`, computes the following for each prediction element :math:`\\mathbf{z}_i` with nearest neighbors index set :math:`N_i`: .. math:: Var \\left ( \\widehat{Y} (\\mathbf{z}_i \\mid X_{N_i}) \\right)_j = \\sigma_j^2 \\left ( K_{\\theta^{(j)}} (\\mathbf{z}_i, \\mathbf{z}_i) - K_{\\theta^{(j)}} (\\mathbf{z}_i, X_{N_i}) \\left ( K_{\\theta^{(j)}} (X_{N_i}, X_{N_i} \\right ) + \\varepsilon^{(j)}_{N_i})^{-1} K_{\\theta^{(j)}} (X_{N_i}, \\mathbf{z}_i) \\right ). Args: pairwise_diffs: A tensor of shape `(batch_count, nn_count, nn_count, feature_count)` containing the `(nn_count, nn_count, feature_count)`-shaped pairwise nearest neighbor difference tensors corresponding to each of the batch elements. crosswise_diffs: A matrix of shape `(batch_count, nn_count, feature_count)` whose rows list the difference between each feature of each batch element element and its nearest neighbors. Returns: A vector of shape `(batch_count, response_count)` consisting of the diagonal elements of the posterior variance for each model. """ batch_count, _, _ = crosswise_diffs.shape response_count = len(self.models) diagonal_variance = mm.zeros((batch_count, response_count)) for i, model in enumerate(self.models): K = model.kernel(pairwise_diffs) Kcross = model.kernel(crosswise_diffs) ss = self.scale()[i] diagonal_variance = mm.assign( diagonal_variance, model.posterior_variance(K, Kcross).reshape(batch_count) * ss, slice(None), i, ) return diagonal_variance
[docs] def fast_coefficients( self, pairwise_diffs_fast: mm.ndarray, train_nn_targets_fast: mm.ndarray, ) -> mm.ndarray: """ Produces coefficient matrix for the fast posterior mean given in Equation (8) of [dunton2022fast]_ for each response dimenion. Fro each response dimension :math:`j`, given observation set :math:`X` with responses :math:`Y`, noise prior set :math:`\\varepsilon^{(j)}`, and kernel function :math:`K_{\\theta^{(j)}}(\\cdot, \\cdot)`, computes the following for each observation element :math:`\\mathbf{x}_i` with nearest neighbors index set :math:`N^*_i`, containing `i` and the indices of the `nn_count - 1` nearest neighbors of :math:`\\mathbf{x}_i`: .. math:: C^{(j)}_i = \\left ( K_{\\theta^{(j)}}(X_{N_i}, X_{N_i}) + \\varepsilon^{(j)}_{N_i} \\right )^{-1} Y(X_{N_i})_{:, j}. Args: pairwise_diffs: A tensor of shape `(train_count, nn_count, nn_count, feature_count)` containing the `(nn_count, nn_count, feature_count)`-shaped pairwise nearest neighbor difference tensors corresponding to each of the batch elements. batch_nn_targets: A tensor of shape `(train_count, nn_count, response_count)` listing the vector-valued responses for the nearest neighbors of each batch element. Returns: A tensor of shape `(batch_count, nn_count, response_count)` whose entries comprise the precomputed coefficients for fast posterior mean inference. """ train_count, nn_count, response_count = train_nn_targets_fast.shape coeffs_tensor = mm.zeros((train_count, nn_count, response_count)) for i, model in enumerate(self.models): K = model.kernel(pairwise_diffs_fast) mm.assign( coeffs_tensor, model.fast_coefficients( model.noise.perturb(K), train_nn_targets_fast[:, :, i], ), slice(None), slice(None), i, ) return coeffs_tensor
[docs] def fast_posterior_mean( self, crosswise_diffs: mm.ndarray, coeffs_tensor: mm.ndarray, ) -> mm.ndarray: """ Performs fast posterior mean inference using provided cross-covariance and precomputed coefficient matrix for each response dimension. Returns the predicted response across each response dimension in the form of a posterior mean for each element of the batch of observations, as computed in Equation (9) of [dunton2022fast]_. For each response dimension :math:`j`, given the coefficients :math:`C^{(j)}` created by :func:`` and Equation (8) of [dunton2022fast]_, observation set :math:`X`, noise prior set :math:`\\varepsilon^{(j)}`, and kernel function :math:`K_{\\theta^{(j)}}(\\cdot, \\cdot)`, computes the following for each test point :math:`\\mathbf{z}` and index set :math:`N^*_i` containing the union of the index :math:`i` of the nearest neighbor :math:`\\mathbf{x}_i` of :math:`\\mathbf{z}` and the `nn_count - 1` nearest neighbors of :math:`\\mathbf{x}_i`: .. math:: \\widehat{Y} \\left ( \\mathbf{z} \\mid X \\right )_j = \\sigma^2 K_{\\theta^{(j)}}(\\mathbf{z}, X_{N^*_i}) C^{(j)}_i. Args: crosswise_diffs: A matrix of shape `(batch_count, nn_count, feature_count)` whose rows list the difference between each feature of each batch element element and its nearest neighbors. coeffs_tensor: A tensor of shape `(batch_count, nn_count, response_count)` providing the precomputed coefficients. Returns: A matrix of shape `(batch_count, response_count)` whose rows are the predicted response for each of the given indices. """ Kcross = mm.zeros(coeffs_tensor.shape) for i, model in enumerate(self.models): mm.assign( Kcross, model.kernel(crosswise_diffs), slice(None), slice(None), i, ) return _mmuygps_fast_posterior_mean(Kcross, coeffs_tensor)
[docs] def optimize_scale( self, pairwise_diffs: mm.ndarray, nn_targets: mm.ndarray ): """ Optimize the value of the :math:`sigma^2` scale parameter for each response dimension. Uses the optimization method specified by the types of the `scale` parameters to optimize their value. Args: pairwise_diffs: A tensor of shape `(batch_count, nn_count, nn_count, feature_count)` containing the `(nn_count, nn_count, feature_count)`-shaped pairwise nearest neighbor difference tensors corresponding to each of the batch elements. nn_targets: Tensor of floats of shape `(batch_count, nn_count, response_count)` containing the expected response for each nearest neighbor of each batch element. Returns: A reference to this model whose global scale parameter (and those of its submodels) has been optimized. """ batch_count, nn_count, response_count = nn_targets.shape if response_count != len(self.models): raise ValueError( f"Response count ({response_count}) does not match the number " f"of models ({len(self.models)})." ) scales = mm.zeros((response_count,)) for i, model in enumerate(self.models): K = model.kernel(pairwise_diffs) opt_fn = model.scale.get_opt_fn(model) new_scale_val = opt_fn( K, nn_targets[:, :, i].reshape(batch_count, nn_count, 1), ) model.scale._set(new_scale_val) scales = mm.assign(scales, new_scale_val[0], i) self.scale._set(scales) return self