Source code for

# Copyright 2021-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# MuyGPyS Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

Noise modeling

Defines data structures and functors that handle noise priors for MuyGPs models.

from typing import Callable

import MuyGPyS._src.math as mm

from import _heteroscedastic_perturb
from import TensorParam
from import NoiseFn

[docs]class HeteroscedasticNoise(TensorParam, NoiseFn): """ A tensor noise parameter. A heteroscedastic noise tensor used to build the "nugget" with the prior assumption that all observations are have a corresponding measurement noise prior variance. Args: val: An ndarray of shape `(batch_count, nn_count)` containing the heteroscedastic nugget matrix. Raises: ValueError: Any strictly negative entry in the array will produce an error. """ def __init__( self, val: mm.ndarray, _backend_fn: Callable = _heteroscedastic_perturb ): super(HeteroscedasticNoise, self).__init__(val) if (self._val.flatten() < 0).sum() > 0: raise ValueError( "Heteroscedastic noise values are not strictly non-negative!" ) self._perturb_fn = _backend_fn
[docs] def perturb(self, K: mm.ndarray, **kwargs) -> mm.ndarray: """ Perturb a kernel tensor with heteroscedastic noise. Applies a heteroscedastic noise model to a kernel tensor, whose last two dimensions are assumed to be the same length. For each such square submatrix :math:`K`, computes the form :math:`K + D`, where :math:`D` is the diagonal matrix containing the observation-wise noise priors. Args: K: A tensor of shape `(batch_count, nn_count, nn_count)` containing the `(nn_count, nn_count)`-shaped kernel matrices corresponding to each of the batch elements. Returns: A tensor of shape `(batch_count, nn_count, nn_count)` where the final two dimensions consist of the perturbed matrices of the input :math:`K`. """ return self._perturb_fn(K, self._val)
[docs] def perturb_fn(self, fn: Callable) -> Callable: """ Perturb a function of kernel tensors with heteroscedastic noise. Applies a heteroscedastic noise model to the first argument of the given function, which is assumed to be a kernel tensor whose last two dimensions are the same length. The returned function is the same as the input, save that it perturbs any passed kernel tensors. Args: fn: A callable whose first argument is assumed to be a tensor of shape `(batch_count, nn_count, nn_count)` containing the `(nn_count, nn_count)`-shaped kernel matrices corresponding to each of the batch elements. Returns: A Callable with the same signature that applies a homoscedastic perturbation to its first argument. """ def perturbed_fn(K, *args, **kwargs): return fn(self.perturb(K), *args, **kwargs) return perturbed_fn
[docs] def fixed(self) -> bool: """ Overloading fixed function to return True for heteroscedastic noise. Returns: `True` - we do not allow optimizing Heteroscedastic Noise. """ return True